Find the best hearing aids for pensioners with our guide. Discover the benefits, factors to consider, and consult with a hearing healthcare professional

Find the best hearing aids for pensioners with our guide. Discover the benefits, factors to consider, and consult with a hearing healthcare professional
Many famous musicians have created some of the most beloved music of our time, but the price of their success has often been hearing loss. Whether it’s from years of exposure to loud music, playing in noisy environments, or from other causes, hearing loss can have a profound impact on the lives of these musicians. In this blog post, we’ll…
One Mom’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of seeking help when we need it and not being afraid to make a change that can improve our lives. For anyone struggling with hearing loss, her story offers hope and inspiration that a new world of sound and connection is possible with the right support.
Hearing aids are a significant investment, and in order to keep them in a top working condition, they require regular upkeep like cleaning.
If you’re an ear-cleaning fan, the advice is: ditch those earbuds! According to Karin Barrow, head of Cape Hearing Aids, cleaning the ear canal excessively may damage the ear canal lining and would increase humidity in the area. “The result is infection and irritation of the area around the ear canal and this may damage ear function,” she said. ENT…
Don’t be fooled into thinking the hearing test imperative is too dramatic a headline. Most of us take good hearing for granted. So, even if you think your hearing is just dandy, it’s a good idea to have a baseline hearing test done. After all, the last time you had a hearing test was probably at school. This baseline test…
It’s been proven in the medical world that good hearing promotes brain health. Accordingly, several comprehensive studies have shown that people with hearing loss have an increased risk of developing dementia later in life. Of note is that the four factors which impact brain health are exercise, diet, sleep and hearing. As for the latter, fact of the matter is…